Activate Creatives

Creative is king, which is why a comprehensive creative dashboard is critical to your advertising

Find winning creatives

  • Unpack the winning attributes in your creatives for more efficient A/B testing
  • Batch creative types to unveil top performers in each category
  • Uncover which ads drive purchases towards your desired skus/products 

Pinpoint profit driving ad types

  • Filter ads by image hash, performance metrics, attribution models & so much more
  • See which creatives drive far more new vs returning customers or even your best customer segments
  • Know which ad/ad types are driving sales with specific products & categories

Stop ad decay

  • Uncover which ads are on an upward/downward trend for actionable insights
  • Identify which offers are fizzling out & need a refresh  
  • Know what ads have stopped resonating  – what worked yesterday, may not work tomorrow  

Real Impact.


First 90 Days


First 90 Days


First 90 Days


First 90 Days


First 90 Days


First 90 Days


First 90 Days


First 90 Days

Schedule Your Demo.

Book your demo today and start optimizing tomorrow!

Schedule Your Demo.

Book your demo today and start optimizing tomorrow!